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简要描述:BECKHOFF嵌入式控制器特点,倍福嵌入式控制器因此,不同的应用程序可在相同的硬件上实现,例如,一个带 DVI/USB 接口并装有 Windows CE 或 Windows Embedded Standard 操作系统的 PLC 和运动控制系统、或一个带音频接口的多媒体系统(楼宇自动化)随着 BIOS 和主板的不断发展,
CX 系列 DIN 导轨安装式控制器结构紧凑,能够与各种 I/O 模块整合在一起,
每个用户都能够从 Beckhoff 嵌入式产品系列中找到一款zui合适的嵌入式控制器:
除了 CPU 之外,CX 系列中的每款控制器所提供的系统接口和电源型号都各不相同,
The individual system components of the CX series come as modules in
standard widths of 19 mm or 22 mm, that can be connected in series.
The basic unit for the CX2000 and CX10x0 series consists of a
CPU module and a separate power supply module. The CX8000, CX9000,
CX9010, CX9020, CX5000 and CX5100 devices integrate CPU and
power supply in a single unit. Depending on the CX type,
Beckhoff 将 PC 市场上涌现的各项新技术快速地应用到各个等的工业 PC 和嵌入式控制器中,
此外 Beckhoff 还自行研发和各种形状和尺寸的主板(ATX、3.5 英寸和 PC/104),
这些都使得“德国制造”的主板坚固耐用、稳定,同时也确保了所有主板的使用寿命少为 5 年。
the controllers can be expanded through further system interfaces.
The range of optional modules is complemented by fieldbus connections for PROFIBUS,
CANopen, DeviceNet, SERCOS interface and Lightbus, both as master or slave versions.
In contrast to the other CX device families,
the CX8000, CX9020, CX5100 and CX5000 series have a fixed,
non-expandable number of system interfaces.
The devices from the CX8000 series are mainly used as programmable fieldbus slaves,
while both the CX9020 and CX5000/CX5100 offer an optional
fieldbus master or slave interface in the multi-option interface.